Do you have a hobby that takes supplies? If so you'll know what I talk about in this post.
I knit a lot, which means I have a lot of supplies for that craft, yarn, needles, books... You name it. Then I took up spinning and with that came a stash of wool, a giant wheel and different tools. Then I got hooked on embroidery...
When I stopped working at a yarn store, I decided not to buy any more yarn before all my stash is gone. Likewise I won't get any more fibre, before I have spun up what I have and embroidery thread is a no go as well.
From Ravelry and my time in the yarn store, I have found that it is very normal to have a stash and that my giant stash would be considered minimal by most. But I have come to the realize that this stash of mine is hindering me. When I find a new pattern on Ravelry, that I really want to make, I can't. I can't justify buying new yarn, while having yarn in the basement. I feel guilty and your hobbies should make you feel all positive feelings or else you are doing something wrong in my opinion.
Every time I knit up some stash yarn, it feels like a burden off my shoulders. I have found a great support system in the Stash and Burn group, where a whole bunch of us are cold sheeping. Yes, that is a verb. Most want to shrink their stash a bit, only a few of us want to have no stash, but we have a common goal of not buying any yarn until we reach our individual goals.
Ravelry is a great tool and community, but it can suck you in and take away precious crafting time if you aren't carefull.
How do you feel about stashes?