1995 was the year I began my education. The year I finally knew what that mystical thing called 'school' was really like. Since then I've never been out of it. That's almost 20 years straight of education for me and I can't seem to get enough of it. I have 3 years left of my university degree (resulting in a master degree) and I dream of going even further.
This love for learning fills almost every second of my waking hours, so it's only natural, that I want to further my knitting education as well. I've dreamt of taking the master knitter courses, but never been able to justify the cost (yet). Luckily there are a much cheaper way of honing our skills:
Craftsy classes.
Join me!
I've taken a few classes from
Craftsy already and have generally loved them. I should get around to giving you a review of them some day, shouldn't I? Well, maybe I'll start with the class I'm about to begin:
Short Rows with Carol Feller. This happens to be one of
the free classes Craftsy offers.
Since it's free and all, I want to invite you to join me. It will not be a big time commitment either, Each lesson is between 18-45 min of watching and then of course the swatching. There is no doubt in my mind, that we'll get the most out of the class, if we actually do the swatches required. I, however, know myself well enough to know I'll need some seriously awesome accountability partners, if I'm actually going to do the swatches all the way through the course. That's where you come in! You might be like me and need a gentle reminder to make the swatches, take the lessons and have someone to talk about it all with. I know I'd love to hear what you have to say.
The plan
Each week of October we'll work through a lesson.
Each Monday you can expect a post from me on the lesson we'll be going through. Wether you take the class the weekend leading up to Monday or during the following week will be entirely up to you.
You can participate in various ways:
a) Leave a comment on the relevant post of your experience with the class, feelings, troubles, insights, anything goes.
b) Leave a comment with a link to a blogpost you've done about said lesson.
c) Use the hashtag #NUCRAL (Noget Uldent's CRaftsy-A-Long) on all social media platforms and let us know what you are up to.
Here's the schedule:
Oct. 6th: Lesson 1 (intro) and 2 (wrap and turn).
Oct. 13th: Lesson 3 (Japanese and yarn over)
Oct. 20th: Lesson 4 (sleeves and shoulder)
Oct. 27th Lesson 5 (bust shaping)
I can't wait to go through this class with you guys at my side.
Let me know in the comments if you are planning on joining me!